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Looking to redeem your Afrizon Vouchers?

The process is as follows:

  1. Activate your voucher

Customers can activate their vouchers through an Afrizon agent by following these steps:

  • Call Afrizon activations: 011 430 6187
  • Email with your contact details and voucher card number
  • Sms "ACTIVE" to 30585 and we will call you back.
  1. Redeem your voucher

Option 1 - Homemark Direct Stores

Once you have activated your vouchers, look at our Store Locator to find your closest Homemark store.

Option 2 - Homemark Telephonic sale

Contact us on 011 430 6000 (select option 3) to redeem your voucher telephonically. Our great sales team will help you decide what to buy.

Option 3 - Shop Online at

The voucher you have been issued is not currently set up for online use, however we can convert this voucher for you to an "Online Only" voucher which will allow you to shop online to redeem the voucher. This will be a quick and pain-free process, all you have to do is email us at with your voucher card details and contact numbers to transfer your physical voucher to an online-only voucher. You can also call our online customer care department 011 444 8800 and have your voucher details ready.

Once your voucher is activated for online PLEASE NOTE:

You can purchase your favorite products online from the Homemark website with the click of a button. Please note that once we have activated your Homemark Online Voucher it will NOT be active for any Direct Homemark Retail store purchases or telephonic purchases and cannot be changed back to allow for these transactions.

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